Welcome to the Sonrisa Blog

I am thrilled you are here friends! I am starting the Sonrisa blog as an online center for creativity and inspiration. My goal is to inspire you to live your most creative life and help make your business dreams a reality.

Here are the main topics of this blog:


I will share with you recent design trends, branding projects,  and inspiring work I come across. I am always designing something new and exciting. I will also post any online design tools that help productivity.


This topic is a little bit foreign to me. I went to school for graphic design and minored in Spanish (even though I have sadly lost all my Spanish speaking skills). That being said, I do not know a lot about ROI or LLC’s or IPO’s, what I do know is starting your own business can be a scary thing. I started Sonrisa 4 years ago, not having a clue what I was doing, but as I grew and learned from my mistakes I have a few insights that can help you work towards your own business goals.

Creative Living

Here you can find a slightly random concoction of inspiration from interior design, to fashion, to even cooking. I believe you can express yourself creatively in a number of ways, so why limit this blog to only design? Let me help you boost your creativity in all aspects of your life. It’s what I call “style with intention”.


To be completely transparent with you guys, a few years ago I was a stressed out, people-pleasing mess. Every critique of a design or an unanswered text from a friend was a personal insult and gave me mad anxiety. I can’t remember how I stumbled upon this book (it was probably my good pal Oprah) but I started reading the Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle.  Let me tell you guys, this book changed my life in more ways than you probably care to read. I have taken what I learned from Mr. Tolle as well as other brilliant authors and changed my overall outlook on life. So I want to share with you some wellness advice I’ve discovered over the years that has not only helped me in my personal life but in my career as well.

Well, I hope I haven’t scared you off quite yet. I will be sure to share any new posts with you via social media (still figuring out how you can follow along). I am going to try and get something up weekly but you know how life goes.

A quick PSA: My strength and talents lie in graphic design, I am not a good writer or professional blogger, nor am I trying to be. I will forewarn you, there will be spelling errors, there will be run on sentences, and there WILL be grammatical errors. I promise you I am trying my best at this writing thing, but when you are slightly dyslexic and are given just a workbook to learn grammar in elementary school (I’m talking about you Emerson of Elmhurst), writing becomes a bit of challenge. So please bear with me and ignore that random comma that isn’t supposed to be there.

Thanks for reading and have a wonderful day,






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