Instagram has become such an amazing tool for businesses. It is a place you can express yourself and inspire others to virtually get involved with you or your brand. Whether you are using Instagram for your business, or enjoy posting personal photos, here are some tips to create a beautiful Instagram feed.
You want to keep your style of photos, especially the filters, and any additional edits consistent throughout your page. Come up with a unique style, whether that is really bright and airy photos or something more bold with lots of contrast. For me, I always use the Lark filter at about 50% and then edit the photos brightness, contrast, shadows, and highlights. Another setting I always use is the saturation, I bring it down about 10-20% to make all my photos a bit cooler and monotone.
When users visit your Instagram page it should feel cohesive and part of one larger brand. You want to post visually pleasing photos with great lighting and inspiring content that go with the other images on your feed. One trick I use is to post a similar style photo every fifth photo. That way they stack nicely when users scroll through my feed. This keeps my feed consistent and well put together.
If you look at some of the most popular Instagram feeds you will see they have a persistent color theme. This helps create a beautiful feed that looks put together and part of a broader brand style. For my Instagram, I like to use mostly neutrals and introduce an accent color based on the season and use that accent color for a month or so to create consistency on the page.
The quality of the image that you are introducing to your feed should be more important than the number of images you post in a day. If you don’t have the quality image that will add value to your page, hold off till you have the right one. This might not work for all businesses but I believe in waiting to share a beautifully crafted photo verse a mediocre photo just to get your profile out there.
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