Nowadays more and more people are getting the opportunity to work from home. There are many benefits to working from home like skipping out on that annoying commute to work or bosses constantly looking over your shoulder, but it can more challenging than some realize. It’s hard to balance home life from work life, not to mention the constant close proximity to your bed. There is always a chore that could be done and sometimes all you want to do is just plop down on the couch and do nothing, and there is no one there to stop you! After three years of working full-time from home, I have found some tips and tricks to help me stay productive and sane while working out of my home.
I know some of you might think this sounds superfluous (love when I find an opportunity to use that word), but getting out of your pajamas and getting ready for the day is crucial to your productivity. It not only helps you feel more like a human but it helps keep you motivated and ready for the day.
My routine usually consists of the minimal tasks that make me feel human such as brushing teeth, washing my face, fixing hair, and changing into something I could run errands in.
Whether it’s an office or a small desk in the corner of your room, it helps to have a space that is dedicated for the sole purpose of getting work done. Make it a clutter-free space that inspires you and helps get you into the working mindset.
Sometimes when you work from home, you can find yourself not leaving for days on end, this can feel isolating and can start messing with your head. What has helped me is getting out of the house at least once a day whether that means running to get coffee in the morning, taking the dog for a walk or running a quick errand during lunch. Whatever gets me out of the house, in society and around people helps me feel like I am a human and not just the girl behind the computer screen.
When you work from home there is no one watching you procrastinate. Noone is there to judge you if you start playing a game on your phone or check your Facebook feed. So to help minimize some of those nagging distractions I like to go by the saying…out of sight, out of mind. I usually put my phone in another room when I need to hunker down and get something done. I also like to close my email tab, so the notifications don’t pull me from the task at hand. If you really want to get strick with yourself, Google Chrome has a work mode extension that blocks all social media.
It can be hard working in an environment where your chores and tasks are just staring you in the face. But one of the benefits of working from home is the ability to get stuff done around the house during the work day instead of doing it all at night or on the weekends. So I like to take breaks from my computer throughout the day to do quick chores such as putting the dishing away or folding a load of laundry, nothing too time-consuming. Before I can get to that chore I always have to mark at least one task of my todo list. Which brings me to my next point.
When you work from home the day can sneak by super fast so I like to create a must finish to-do list of max four items. Sure there might be more on my to-do list but creating a short daily list keeps me focused on the most important items. And once I’ve crossed off one I like to award myself with a break. This keeps me motivated to get more done and makes me feel like I’ve really accomplished something by the end of the day.
Working from home means your work is always accessible to you but this doesn’t mean you should pop back on anytime a task comes to mind. Close down your computer at the end of each day and try not to open it again till the next work day. If something urgent comes up, make a note to tackle it first thing in the morning.
Ok folks that is my short list of tips on how I stay productive working from home. What tips do you find helpful when you work from home?
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