Writing Copy for Your Business

Every business relies on the written word in order to sell their product or service in some form or another. This, coupled with the reality that most people don’t read everything on a website makes the copy that you use throughout your business all the more important. While copywriting is a skill that takes years to master, there are a few tips and tricks that can help you write copy that will be both engaging and effective for your business in no time.

What is “Good Copy”?

Copy is any written content across your website, social media platforms, blog, and marketing materials. Writing good copy requires creativity and style, but it also requires you to know what your end goal is. In all likelihood, you are trying to sell a product or a service and do so in a way that paints you are knowledgeable and reliable.

Start Simple

The most basic approach is to write about your product or service without anything extra. Simply present the facts and the benefits, and leave it at that. While this may not have the pizazz, you’re looking for, it’s a great place to start because it provides the prospect with all the information they need to make an informed decision.

Tell a Story

Nobody knows your business better than you, and you should use that to your advantage! Even if you don’t consider yourself a writer, it’ll come to you naturally if you follow one of the old adages of writing: write what you know.

People love stories. It’s a part of human nature to connect with storytelling. Emotion instigates action, and story is a great place to inject emotion into your brand story. Write the story of how you came up with your business, why you decided you’d be the right person to sell that product or service, and how that product or service has been transformative for people who’ve used it.

Write to Your Customer

Knowing who your ideal customer is imperative in every aspect of writing copy. Who is visiting your homepage? Who is reading your blog? Who subscribes to your email newsletters? You should be writing not just to the audiences who consume your content across these different platforms, but to your ideal audience.

Keep in mind that your prospects are coming to you for your expertise, which means technical terms and industry jargon may be above their heads. Be clear, be concise, and be helpful.

Make It Skimmable

People don’t want to sift through pages and pages of text to get the answers they’re looking for. Employ these simple techniques to take the work out of it and make your copy easily skimmable:

  • Put the most important information at the top of the page, then additional supporting information beneath it.
  • Break up long pieces into smaller sections and assign them headlines
  • Make sure your copy is free of spelling and grammatical errors

Maintain Credibility

Along with simply selling a product or service, writing good copy allows you to position yourself as an expert within your field. Maintain your credibility by providing content that is useful to your prospects. Avoid sounding salesy by answering the questions that your prospects are likely to have, and by avoiding making overly zealous claims.

While many people are frightened by the idea of writing copy for their business, by following a few simple tricks you can turn it into an opportunity to connect with prospects in a meaningful way. By providing valuable content to those who are looking, you can set your business up for success!


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