How to Define Your Business Vision

Your vision and mission statement consists of many things – your purpose, your target audience, your voice, your why, and so much more. When you can strategically establish your business goals, you can strategically approach your goods and services to better serve your target audience. Being able to effectively explain the purpose of your work is one of the most important aspects of your business. Without a vision, a business does not have a clear direction of where it’s going or plans for how to get there.

The Difference Between a Vision and Mission Statement

Though your vision and mission statement both play important roles in your business and planning for its success, they differ in function and purpose. A vision for your business is an idea of what you ultimately want it to become. This includes a thoughtful concept of what success will look like for you in the future, how you want to build your brand, and what you are striving for in the big picture. 

The mission statement is a short and specific description of the purpose your business serves in the present, as well as the values that define it. It provides a summary of what your business has to offer, why it is important, and who your target audience is.

How to Define Your Business Vision 

Establishing your vision will not only help you to create a clear end-goal for your endeavors, but it will provide you with a broad view of your business and where you would like to eventually take it. To define your vision, begin by imagining what you want your business to become in the future. This is a great opportunity to think big, aim high, and contemplate your aspirations. 

Reflect upon what drove and motivated you to start your business in the first place. What is your primary focus? What do you hope to become known for? Consider what success means to you and what your ideal accomplishments would include. How will you measure your successes along the way? Think about what you are excited to create and provide to customers, and what value you can share with them.

How to Create Your Mission Statement

Your mission statement should be a concise, convincing, and compelling explanation of the purpose of your business and what it brings to the table. When you are creating a mission statement you should be able to clearly articulate why your business exists. Review what your business does, what your primary objective(s) are, and what you are currently hoping to accomplish. 

Explore what your business stands for – what are the ethics, values, and fundamentals that shape it? Identify who your target customers are, what you believe them to be seeking or wanting, and how your business can help them meet their needs. 

Defining a vision and mission statement for your business is a crucial part of creating a path to success. To help you strategically plan your business vision I have created a helpful guide for you to follow.


Click here to purchase your copy of The Business Vision Guide and begin planning.

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