Developing a vision, or your idea of what you want your business to ultimately be, is an integral part of building your business’ success. When you consider what you want to accomplish, how you want to build your brand, and what you’re striving for in the big picture, you shape a vision that everything you do in your business should support.
I encourage you to explore exactly what your business vision is for this year. That way, you have a better idea of what actions will help you achieve it. By defining your business vision, you create the best path to success and making 2021 the most productive year possible for your business. Here’s how to get started.
Before you put pen to paper and write out your business vision, it’s good to begin brainstorming ideas and thinking about the future. Imagine what you want your business to become. Brainstorming your vision is an excellent opportunity to think big, aim high, and contemplate your aspirations.
Start by asking yourself the following questions:
Armed with your answers to these questions, you can craft a statement defining your business vision.
Once you’ve explored your overall business vision, your next task is to define the goals that support that vision. Your goals are the stepping stones that will help you move closer to turning your vision into a reality.
Think about the overarching goals you have for your business and what you want to accomplish in the long run. What achievements do you need to make happen to get closer to realizing your vision?
My free Goal Planner helps you develop your goals and create a plan for completing them. If you’ve set goals that support your vision, but don’t know where to start on accomplishing them, this worksheet is the perfect resource.
Looking at the big picture goals under your business’ vision for this year, you might feel overwhelmed or intimidated by all you need to do. That’s why it’s so important to break your goals down into smaller, more manageable pieces.
Creating actionable steps and micro goals will help you to chip away at a larger goal and enjoy an ongoing sense of actively working toward the business success you dream of. Micro goals are specific and can be accomplished soon, even if the greater goal is farther down your path.
Writing down the micro goals that uphold your larger goals will help you stay on top of your progress and see where you may need to shift your efforts. You can identify your micro goals and track them with this free Micro Goals worksheet.
Creating your vision and developing a plan to turn it into reality is great in theory. But if you don’t hold yourself accountable for making it happen, you aren’t as likely to succeed.
Writing down your vision statement and goals allows you to focus on what you are aiming to accomplish. Add realistic dates and deadlines for your goals and micro goals. You can then set calendar reminders to revisit your plans throughout the year and see where you are with your progress.
Another helpful way to stay accountable is to share your goals with your friends and colleagues or on social media. When you complete a step toward a goal toward your vision, celebrate it! Reward yourself for accomplishments and tell others about your progress.
One of the best things you can do to make sure your business’ activities align with your vision and support your goals is to stay organized. Writing down and carefully strategizing on all aspects of your business, from your business plan and goals to your content and branding, is vital to having a full view of what you’re doing.
Check out The Ultimate Business Planner Pack, our set of beautifully designed guides that will let you build a clear action plan, an authentic brand, and content crafted specifically for your ideal audience.
Download The Ultimate Branding Checklist to find out.
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