Pinterest has been a game-changing tool for my business. The platform has been the biggest traffic driver to my website and brings in more sales and leads than any other marketing or business development activity. And the best part? There is no funky algorithm impacting my engagement.
The truth is, Pinterest isn’t just a social media app for you to scroll for your next quick dinner recipe. It’s a powerful search engine where people look for answers. When businesses use Pinterest correctly, it can be a valuable tool for connecting with your ideal customers and growing your business.
Here are my tips on how to create the perfect Pin and start building traction on Pinterest.
While creating Pins that promote content found on your website is an effective strategy, Pins that provide value can be some of the most successful. Designing a Pin that shares helpful tips, resources, or insights right in the Pin itself gives your audience a helpful piece of content they are sure to save.
Some of my most successful Pins are those that educate and inspire without having to click to get value. Here is an example of an effective Pin and its engagement in the past 30 days.
To guide Pinterest users to click your Pins and take the next steps in engaging with your business, your Pins must be clickable. That means you need to include elements that drive action.
Include a title that tells users your Pin solves a problem. For example, in the Pin I shared above, I am providing 30 days of content prompts. For a business owner who isn’t sure what to share or say on social media, that Pin gives them a resource that solves that problem.
Add a Call-to-Action that tells your audience exactly what to do next. Encourage them to click to learn more, visit your website, or download what you’re providing.
Pinterest is a highly visual platform, and your Pins’ success hinges on the quality of your Pin designs. In a sea of Pins offering similar or competing content, it’s essential to make your Pins stand out. Professional designs are the best way to ensure your Pins get noticed.
You don’t have to pour your time into creating Pin designs for your business, though. I have a special offer (below) to make it easy to get started with beautifully branded Pins!
Optimizing your image designs is crucial for the best performance on any platform, and Pinterest is no exception. The sizing and dimensions of Pins are unique to Pinterest. Ensure your Pins are correctly designed allows them to display, so your audience sees them and their elements in their entirety.
There are several formats for Pins: optimal, long, and infographic. Check out the infographic below to see how to size each format correctly.
I mentioned that Pinterest is a search engine, and just as with any other search engine, it’s important to understand how you can show up in search results. Pinterest recognizes keywords and phrases similar to how Google and other engines do. That’s why it’s essential to use relevant keywords in your Pin titles and captions.
Pinterest Trends is a fantastic tool for identifying keywords that Pinterest users are searching for. Plugin terms related to your Pin subject matter, and explore which Pinterest keywords are performing well. Select a couple and incorporate them into your Pin content.
Optimizing your Pins for SEO is one helpful strategy for getting your Pins in front of more people. However, tools like Tailwind can provide a massive boost to your Pins’ reach. Tailwind analyzes your Pinterest account and niche, gives you a Smart Schedule with optimal Pin times for audience engagement, and pins for you.
You can also participate in Communities of users in similar industries or niches. There, you share your Pins and reshare community members’ Pins to drive your reach even further.
Ready to get started with creating effective Pins for your business? I’m offering 12 Premade Pinterest Templates created in Canva. Click the link to learn more!
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