Increasing Your Sales with Email Marketing

Last year I made a goal to invest in my email marketing.  I wanted to send out one email every week, and guess what? I did it! 

And boy did it pay off. 

When I sat down at the beginning of year and came up with a plan for my email marketing and then batch created my emails each month, this is what happened…

⚡️ I got an increase of inquiries coming in my inbox
⚡️ I got more sales in my digital design shop
⚡️ More people setting up discovery calls with me

Which all led to more sales and an increase in my overall revenue 

I have put a lot of time and energy into growing my email list, and it’s been one of the best investments I’ve made in my business. I use my email list to connect with my customers and to drive sales, and I’ve learned how to effectively use email as a tool to grow my business. 

Your email subscribers are people who are already interested in your business on some level. And perhaps most importantly, you own and control your connection to them – as opposed to social media, where ever-changing algorithms make it more difficult than ever to convert followers into customers.

This month I shared the exact strategies I use to grow my list and how I have been able to get more sales through sending out consistent emails to my list. 

Are you ready to send out consistent, high quality emails with Flodesk?

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